Lost cat in Te horo

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PetRadar informs thousands of neighbors about your lost cat in Te horo through sponsored posts displayed as ads on Facebook and Instagram. A sort of digital flyer seen by thousands of people in the area of your missing cat.

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Harry poster

Harry - Derham Road

SEARCH STARTED ON - 07-01-2023, 20:48

My beautiful boy Harry has been missing since the 23rd December. He was in a cattery in Derham Road Te Horo but managed to get out. He is quite timid and I know he will be so frightened. He has been seen on two different CCTV's, one at the cattery on the 23rd or 24th December, and the other at a neighbouring property on the 30th Dec/1st Jan. There have been no sightings since. I have been up every day/nnight since returning to Kapiti on the 30th December, calling him rattling the temptation bag but there is just nothing. The cattery people are putting out traps every night but once again there is no sign of him. This is breaking my heart. If you do see him please call me. I miss him desperately. Some info on Harry: he is about 5 years old, he is a very tall cat with long legs nd a really long tail and he weighs about 6.3kgs. He is also de-sexed. Thank you for reading this and good luck if you have also lost your pet.

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